Tuesday 28 April 2009


A 10 day course of antibiotics and a sinus wash later, I am again feeling somewhat human.

The enforced inactivity combined with misery had me musing about this little word 'well' that we use so cavalierly and in so many ways in English. There is of course the well is in healthy, well as in place to get water, well as in rise up slowly ( a tear welled up in my eye), well as in 'please give me an explanation for this' (surely one the marvels of both brevity and intonation) and well as being good at something.

How are you? Well, thanks.

Really? Well? Which well? Healthy? Good at life? Or the other meaning of well, as in leave well enough alone?

Then there is its use as a means of indicating a pause for thought - well, let me see. 

So at this time I am well on my way to getting well and I leave you with wishes for your own wellness!

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