Now, I am not a good housekeeper, and a lot of my wiping is surface stuff, but when you open your cutlery drawer and see green spots on the forks, you know you have to do a major clean-up.
So, out came the gloves, the bleach, several cloths, the bowls and the brushes, and I started - cupboard by cupboard I unpacked, wiped, dried, washed what had been inside and then repacked. After twenty minutes I was dripping with sweat, by an hour I was a sweat machine - dripping all over.
So I decided to take regular breaks for sticking my face into the airstream of that dreaded machine of death - the fan (Koreans will tell you very earnestly that to leave a fan running all night will kill you, since they 'suck all the air out of the room'), or to splash cold water over myself.
In this fashion I managed to clean the kitchen and bathroom, thoroughly demolding them, and I got the mold wiped from the cupboard in the bedroom, but I still have to clean that room thoroughly - shifting furniture, wiping, bleaching and drying - and its gonna be hard work!
But that got me thinking - maybe I can start a cleaning service where I don't pay the help, they pay me! Instead of going to gym, just come and clean a house - more calories burned and the satisfaction of leaving behind a sparkling house!